Absolutely fantastic article Putu!
I would further second that these three can be leveraged to great effect, along with three others that can be used to influence user decisions.
4. The Endowment Effect
People tend to value things they own more highly than things they don't. A free trial is a great way to get users in the door, show them the value of your product/service, and allow them to personalize it to make it their own.
5. Loss aversion
If a user is prompted to renew their subscription or risk losing access to their content, they will renew almost every time, especially if the product or service is personalized and represents a mainstay in their life OR has exclusive content (as you pointed out with the scarcity bias).
6. Reciprocity
Users are WAY more likely to do something for you if they perceive that you've done something for them. If you want to encourage behavior in any direction, give a little value first, and then ask for the action you're looking for. More often than not, users will act towards a product/service's benefit, so long as the ask isn't huge, and is aligned with the original give.
Again, phenomenal article Putu, very nicely done and I'm grateful to see that we've got designers out here that really care about behavioral psychology in UX! Keep up the great work! :D